Ramblings of a Logophile

Words... lots of words.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Crossing Bridges

I hate it when i feel sorry for myself, the whole process is actually quite ridiculous.

You make a mistake, or perchance someone else makes a mistake (though usually when you feel sorry for yourself, it is your own fault.) then you deal with the consequences... right?


Why do we have to deal with all this in between crap? Especially when this in-between crap has lasted for almost 6 months now. 6 months of this and i still come to the same conclusion: Its not right

So, why dont i just stop feeling sorry for myself you ask?
Its really simple... i seem to not have developed the certain hormone, or thought process that lets me move on easily... Tragic, i know. But what can ya do?
Absolutely nothing

I know people who cut things out of their lives, people who seem to be so ready to just move on at the drop of a hat... but i dont want that. I just want to be able to look back at the past and not feel that pang inside that makes it more current than it should be.

Lets explore this idea
This... well, me.

What does kat want?

This statement doesnt concern me anymore because its not about what i want, its more about what everyone else wants and if it coincides with what i want... if not, then too bad.

Its not about what makes me happy, or what would make things easier on me. Which is fine, because (his) ultimate happiness was always my concern, and still is. His ultimate happiness is starting to depend on things outside of my control though... Things that im still not ready to think about fully, but i'll cross that bridge when i come to it.

Thats life i guess, coming to bridges and crossing them.
Crossing your fingers and hoping that the frayed edges you have created, dont choose this exact moment to unravel and send you plunging into the dark abyss... or flaming, boiling, molten lava (if you prefer.)

The only advice i can give, simple things i have picked up along the way:

- Always smile
- Dont drown yourself in the bad things, when you could be swimming in the good
- Wear a life jacket when you cross a bridge (safety first)
- Tie your shoelaces, falling hurts (even falling for someone)
- Never let some one tell you who you should be
- Never love with anything but all you have, someones gonna get hurt.

Thats all my fried brain can come up with.
So i guess for now i'll bid thee adieu. I wonder if anyone reads this...

Oh well, no matter, a place for me to sort my thoughts.

THis concludes our broadcast day. *click*


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